Winter Spiral: Day Four

“The fourth light of Advent is the light of humankind. The light of love, the light of thought, to give and to understand.”

Your child might be familiar with walking the large spiral path made of evergreen branches at Cedarwood. Alongside the green and fragrant path there are representatives of the three kingdoms we honored over the last three nights: minerals, plants, and animals. At the center of this spiral, a large beeswax candle, a symbol of the destiny light awaits life’s travelers in darkness.

Each child traverses this path alone with a red apple, which holds an unlit candle. The apple is a representation of the body, while the candle is a symbol of the soul. It is a solo journey of the soul in search of spiritual enlightenment. Can they trust themselves, overcoming fear and doubt? Will they be able to find their way? Can their hear and receive quiet guidance from nature?

On their way back out, they find a destined point within the spiral and place their candle, thereby offering their light to the world. One by one, as the small light of each person is offered, gathered together as a community, we create a starry heaven on earth.

We are so grateful to all of you for helping us make a starry heaven on earth this week.

This evening we have two Winter Spiral stories to share!

The first, “The Festival of Stones” is best for younger children. Our second story, “Follow the Drinking Gourd,” is intended for older listeners.

Thank you for sharing these past four evenings with us!

The Festival of Stones

By Reg Down
Told by Antonella Focarino


Follow the Drinking Gourd

Told by Diana Bright


Winter Spiral Songs


Chiaki Uchiyama has recorded this beautiful song on the lyre for you to listen to at home — just like we do when walking the Winter Spiral at school!